Unite for Consent Print (Limited Edition in aid of DRCC)

Unite for Consent Print (Limited Edition in aid of DRCC)
This design has been created as part of the Dublin Rape Crisis Center’s #Unite4Consent campaign.
20% of all proceeds from this design will be donated to the DRCC.
This is a limited edition print that will be on sale until December 15th 2022.
The #Unite4Consent campaign is an amazing opportunity to use art to both educate and increase our empathy, respect, and compassion for one another. The DRCC is doing incredible work to educate about consent and ensure everyone understands and knows how to exercise consent, whether for themselves or in respect of others they encounter. The campaign aims to bring further awareness around the topic of consent, bringing people of all backgrounds together to create a safer and more equal future for everyone.
This piece is based on the symbol of Medusa, as it has been reclaimed in recent years as a symbol of sexual assault survival.
According to many retellings of the Greek myth, Medusa was cursed with snakes for hair and eyes that turn men to stone as a punishment by the goddess Athena after Medusa was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple, making her story one of the oldest examples of victim blaming in pop culture.
Today, Medusa is considered by many as a protective symbol and provides a sense of empowerment, resilience, and strength to survivors of sexual violence. Unfortunately, many of us know a survivor of sexual violence in some form as it is an issue that affects us all and so I've created an image of two Medusa figures uniting together to heal, support, and uplift each other, just as we all must do for each other.
Printed on High-Quality 200gsm paper
Available in 3 sizes, A5, A4, and A3